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  1. Paul Rohde

    I’m not sure where the “An Average Tow” figures come from. The National Waterways Foundation lists it as: 647 miles – 477- 145

  2. Aaron

    This quick graphic highlights the true value of the inland waterways in the US. The waterway infrastructure is underutilized and underappreciated.

    Moving cargo by barge is reliable, cost effective, the safest mode for people and the environment, and the most fuel efficient mode too.

    One 15 barge tow can carry 540 FEUs. We have a great opportunity to benefit the environment, the consumer, producers, and shippers if we will utilize our waterways.

    1. Ryan Slagle

      Where could a shipper connect with barge transport companies? Many 3PLs do not offer this type of service but I would be interested in more information if you have it.

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