FMCSA’s hours-of-service exemption implicated in fatal truck crash
The NTSB found that an exemption allowing drivers potentially to use “unlimited” work hours was partially to blame for a 2021 truck crash that killed four people.
The NTSB found that an exemption allowing drivers potentially to use “unlimited” work hours was partially to blame for a 2021 truck crash that killed four people.
Truckers with 10% revenue loss can get up to $125,000 each from USDA
FMCSA rule expanding definition of ag commodities called “meritless and reckless” by group of safety advocates.
Drivers who begin using exemptions as a result of the clarifications could see cost savings.
New driver panel will inform FMCSA’s MCSAC safety group.
For anyone in and around the Corn Belt in 2019, the lasting effects of this spring’s flooding are still front and center in everyone’s mind. The economy has been impacted as two of the area’s largest industries have been hit the hardest – agriculture and transportation. Farming and freight are indelibly tied in this part […]
Ben Thrower writes about the importance of American agriculture – not just to the U.S. population, but to the country’s trade negotiations.
The USDOT and USDA are seeking comments on a revision to hours-of-service and electronic logging device regulations for the agriculture and livestock industries.
FMCSA, USDA to standardize definitions for HOS exemption enforcement.