El Paso and New Mexico freight volumes rise as consumers demand imports from Mexico
El Paso, Texas, and Santa Teresa, New Mexico, benefit from their proximity to Juarez, Mexico, “the king of maquiladoras.”
El Paso, Texas, and Santa Teresa, New Mexico, benefit from their proximity to Juarez, Mexico, “the king of maquiladoras.”
After the threat of President Donald Trump’s tariffs, Mexican freight transporters are now facing a new challenge with an anti-immigration checkpoint in Ciudad Juarez that is stretching wait times up to three hours near the border. Trucks and passenger vehicles traveling on the Chihuahua-Juárez highway heading north to El Paso are being delayed at a […]
President Donald Trump said he has called off plans to impose tariffs on Mexico, tweeting on Friday night that the Mexican government has “agreed” to stem the flow of Central and South American migrants into the United States. Mexico “has agreed to strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our […]