ILA sets wage review as longshore contract nears ratification vote
The International Longshoremen’s Association’s wage scale committees this week will review the tentative contract with port employers ahead of a vote by union members.
The International Longshoremen’s Association’s wage scale committees this week will review the tentative contract with port employers ahead of a vote by union members.
Container rates from Asia to the United States are in a holding pattern after an East Coast longshore strike was averted.
After a year marked by port congestion, vessel diversions and longshore labor issues, maritime shipping is bracing for the unknown in 2025.
CMA CGM has announced several surcharges affecting US container services but delayed one after reports that union dockworkers and port employers would resume contract negotiations.
Frontloading by importers ahead of 2025 helped Asia-U.S. ocean freight rates stay elevated into mid-December.
As a January deadline nears, a coalition of exporters and importers calls on East Coast port employers and their longshore union to resume bargaining on a new contract.
The International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance aren’t bargaining, but that hasn’t swayed Polymarket bettors wagering against another dock strike.
The International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance make claims and counterclaims amid stalled contract negotiations.
Ocean container rates to the U.S. remained steady as shippers maneuver to minimize the effects of higher tariffs and a potential port strike in 2025.
Perishables and auto parts will get scarce if strike persists.
President Joe Biden broke his silence Tuesday on the port labor dispute by backing the striking dockworkers.