MSC Lion adds second Singapore call

   The ocean carrier Mediterranean Shipping Co. has added a new westbound call at Singapore to its weekly Asia-Europe Lion Service. It’s Asia-North Europe partner CMA CGM takes slots on this loop, calling it FAL7.  
   Previously the Lion Service ran non-stop from Chiwan via Suez to Sines, Portugal with a transit time of 19 days. Now, with the addition of a Singapore call this has slowed to 22 days.
   The Lion Service still operates with 11 vessels averagoing 12,795 TEUs with a round voyage time of 77 days.
   The new rotation is Sines, Le Havre, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Dunkirk, Felixstowe, Valencia, Port Kelang, Singpore, Yantian, Chiwan, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, Xiamen, Yantian, Chiwan, Singapore, Sines, Le Havre etc.. ComPair Data, Krista LaRocca

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