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CITA to allow five-day window for entry of embargoed Chinese apparel

CITA to allow five-day window for entry of embargoed Chinese apparel

   The U.S. Commerce Department's Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA) announced Wednesday that it has authorized the release from embargo five categories of Chinese-origin textile and apparel goods that are subject to safeguard quotas. Importers will have five business days from Monday to enter the goods.

   Apparel and textiles eligible for entry include: cotton knit shirts and blouses (category 338/339); cotton trousers, breeches, and shorts (category 347/348); cotton and manmade fiber underwear (category 352/652); manmade fiber knit shirts and blouses (category 638/639); and manmade fiber trousers, breeches, and shorts (category 647/648).

   CITA has directed U.S. Customs and Border Protection to allow entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, for consumption, between Nov. 28    and Dec. 2, as long as the goods are:

   *Currently in a bonded warehouse within the customs territory of the United States or in a foreign-trade zone.

   *Previously entered for warehouse or sent to general order within the customs territory of the United States.

   *Admitted to a free-trade zone before Nov. 8 and were subject to a safeguard quota at the time of export from China.

   Any other shipments of Chinese goods subject to safeguard quotas, or to other quantitative restraints for goods exported from China before to Jan. 1, remain subject to the previous restraints, CITA said.