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Israel to implement wood packaging treatment rules

Israel to implement wood packaging treatment rules

   Israel will implement international standards for importing and exporting wood packaging, effective Oct. 1.

   The ISPM (International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures) 15 requires wood packaging makers to use either a standard heat treatment or methyl bromide fumigation procedure.

   For either treatment, wood packaging must be visibly marked. The mark, which is approved by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), identifies the treatment facility, country and producer codes. Plant protection authorities should accept imported wood packaging without additional paperwork. More than 65 countries, including the United States, European Union, Canada and China, have implemented ISPM for wood packaging.

   The Israeli government warned that arrangements to have the noncompliant wood packaging materials exported from the country would be required before the approved cargo can be released to the consignee. All costs related to this process will also be the responsibility of the importer.

   For more details, access Israel's Plant Protection and Inspection Services Web site.