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ITC starts second small U.S. exporter study

ITC starts second small U.S. exporter study

   The U.S. International Trade Commission has started the second of three studies that will examine the extent and composition of U.S. exports by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and factors that may disproportionately impede exports by these firms.

   In the second report, “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, U.S. and EU Export Activities and Barriers and Opportunities Experienced By U.S. Firms,” the ITC will specifically compare the exporting activities of SMEs in the United States and European Union and analyze the distinctions between U.S. and EU firms in terms of sectoral composition, firm characteristics, and exporting behavior.

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   The agency will also identify barriers to exporting noted by U.S. SMEs and strategies used to overcome special constraints and reduce trade costs, as well as the benefits to SMEs from increased export opportunities, including free trade agreements and other trading arrangements.

   The ITC will deliver the report to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative by July 6, 2010.

   The agency said it will hold a hearing related to the investigation at its Washington headquarters on Feb. 9, carrying over to the next day if necessary, and will consider holding two field hearings outside of Washington.

   For more details about the SME reports, access the ITC Web site.