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NIT League supports exemption for carrier

NIT League supports exemption for carrier

   The National Industrial Transportation League said Friday it has filed comments with the Federal Maritime Commission supporting a petition by Chinese carrier Hainan PO Shipping Co. Ltd. for an exemption from a provision in the U.S. Controlled Carrier Act.

   The exemption would allow the carrier to be able to reduce rates and tariff terms on less than 30 days notice.

   Hainan is owned and controlled by the Chinese government, and the NIT League noted under the act, controlled carriers are subject to a 30-day waiting period for the FMC to assess the impact of possible predatory pricing that might be employed to drive out competing carriers from a trade.

   But a 30-day delay in reducing rates would put both the carrier and its customer at a competitive disadvantage, argued the league in its comments.

   NIT League said it supports the petition as the reduction of rates on less than 30 days notice would benefit importers and exporters by enhancing competition among ocean carriers operating in the transpacific. It noted the FMC in granting the petition would not relinquish its authority to investigate Hainan as a controlled carrier if any of its rates are found not to be just and reasonable.

   Hainan’s first ship was scheduled to call Chinese ports last week and arrive in Long Beach on Sept. 1.