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Suzuki retires as MOL (America) chief, Kitazawa to succeed

Suzuki retires as MOL (America) chief, Kitazawa to succeed

MOL (America) Inc., the U.S. arm of Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, said Tuesday that Osamu Suzuki is retiring after three years as president, chief executive officer and chairman.

   Suzuki joined MOL in 1973 and was appointed to the top position at MOL (America) in 2005. He has accepted a post-retirement position as executive vice president of MOL Ferry Co. Ltd., Japan.    Replacing Suzuki at MOL America will be Noboru Kitazawa, a 33-year MOL veteran. Kitazawa comes to the U.S. from the company’s headquarters in Tokyo where he served as executive officer of the liner division.