DOL seeks misclassified Arizona delivery drivers who are owed millions
The U.S. Department of Labor is seeking nearly 1,400 Arizona drivers owed $5.6 million in back pay and damages after they were misclassified as independent contractors.
The U.S. Department of Labor is seeking nearly 1,400 Arizona drivers owed $5.6 million in back pay and damages after they were misclassified as independent contractors.
Nearly 1,400 delivery drivers will split $5.6 million following an eight-year investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor, which found that Parts Authority Arizona LLC and Diligent Delivery Systems misclassified its employee drivers as independent contractors.
Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: CBP seizes $8.4 million in marijuana bust; Texas port opens its first US-Mexico commercial FAST lane; Diligent Delivery Systems consolidates transportation-logistics operations; Unimacts acquires Tijuana manufacturing plant. CBP seizes $8.4 million of marijuana smuggled in cargo […]