FreightWaves, the world’s largest freight news and data provider, has announced the launch of FreightWaves Radio on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio channel 146.
Don’t Miss Drive Time on SiriusXM
Tune into FreightWaves Radio on Channel 146 | SiriusXM. Listen live by clicking the following link:
For the FreightWaves ON-Demand Page:
Have a question or opinion while we’re live, call us at 888-876-2336 or 888-8 ROAD DOG.
We are ready to discuss all logistics and supply chain topics!
Tune In Every Weekday
Tune in to Drive Time with Grace Sharkey on SiriusXM from Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (EST), and stay ahead of the curve with our unparalleled coverage of the industry.
Our show is a testament to our deep understanding of the sector, backed by centuries of combined tribal knowledge and data-driven insights.
We are committed to cutting through the jargon and misconceptions surrounding freight, calling out bad data and false narratives, and delivering transparency and disruption in the freight markets.
We also provide valuable perspective on the economic health of transport companies, as well as the climate of venture investing in trucking and logistics. Whether you’re a driver, carrier, shipper, or investor, our show delivers a weekly playbook for navigating the complex freight market.
Meet the Host

Grace Sharkey
Join host Grace Sharkey and a team of guest speakers and market experts each week as we dive into the latest trends and topics shaping the industry. From the rise of technology and its impact on trucking, to economic drivers influencing freight volumes, rates, and seasonal surges, our show covers it all.