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Singapore company fined $10 million in grounding

Singapore company fined $10 million in grounding

A Singapore company whose dry bulk ship ran around on one of Alaska’s Aluetian Islands will pay a criminal penalty of $10 million.

   When IMC Shipping Co. ship, the Selendang Ayu ran aground on Unalaska Island in December 2004, it spilled more than 335,000 gallons of diesel fuel and its cargo of 60,000 tons of soybeans. Six seamen were killed in the shipwreck.

   The ship had experienced mechanical problems after it left Tacoma on a voyage to China, and after drifting for two days it went aground on Unalaska where it broke in two. The island is home to one of the largest seafood ports in the nation.

   The company faces additional civil penalties stemming from the accident.