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White Paper – Leveraging the Benefits of Dash Cam Technology

The use of dash cameras has sparked strong opinions on both sides of the equation, with those supporting them arguing in defense of higher levels of safety and insurance benefits, while those opposing them often cite driver privacy concerns and turnover as the deterrents. With both sides making compelling arguments, how can companies ensure they are making the best decision for their fleets?

FreightWaves and J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.—the nation’s leading provider of safety and compliance solutions for the transportation industry—recently partnered to conduct a survey designed to identify the factors that fleets use to decide whether or not to implement dash cams. This white paper covers the results of the survey and explores:

• The top benefits and hindrances to installing dash cameras
• Who in the industry is installing cameras
• How insurance and risk prevention factor into the decision to install dash cameras 

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