In another aggressive move against China’s shipping dominance, the Trump administration has proposed fees on Chinese ships calling U.S. ports.
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum has issued a decree that effectively ended the popular “border-skipping” strategy many U.S. e-commerce sellers used to avoid tariffs on Chinese goods.
The Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering and a critical artery of global trade, has once again become the center of geopolitical tension.
The freight industry is experiencing a notable shake-up this week, with several key developments signaling potential long-term shifts in market dynamics.
FedEx’s decision to spin off its LTL unit marks the end of an era that began nearly 30 years ago when major parcel carriers sought to provide comprehensive transportation solutions for their customers.
Tender rejection rates have surged to 8.36%, marking the highest point since June 2022 and a massive one-week surge of 190 basis points.
SONAR’s latest release introduces a game-changing feature: the National Insights Landing page. This powerful tool provides a comprehensive overview of the freight market, highlighting shifts in capacity, demand and fuel prices. The intuitive interface spotlights weekly top-moving markets, allowing users to quickly identify trends and opportunities.
DAT, the dominant leader in the load board business, has sneaked an abusive and predatory term into its agreements with clients. No one should ever sign DAT’s default agreement.
Domestic manufacturing can be a huge driver for trucking freight demand.
In late 2024, retail giant Macy’s revealed a shocking accounting scandal involving its parcel delivery expenses. It said a single employee had managed to hide approximately $151 million in delivery costs over nearly three years, causing significant disruption to the company’s financial reporting and raising questions about its internal controls.
Hey truckers, listen up! The freight market’s heating up, and it’s looking good for your wallets. Let’s break down what’s happening and what it means for you out on the road.
As we approach the final days before Christmas, it’s becoming evident that the truckload market has experienced a peak season stronger than those of the past two years.
In a stunning turn of events, California-based trucking company Kal Freight Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, unveiling a web of fraudulent activities that have sent shockwaves through the industry. The company faces serious allegations of financial misconduct and asset mismanagement.
In the ever-evolving landscape of the freight industry, a new phenomenon is emerging that threatens to upend the delicate balance between shippers and carriers. Known as “carrier revenge,” this impending shift in market dynamics promises to reshape how goods are transported across the nation.
The SONAR National Truckload Index (NTI) has reached levels not seen in nearly two years, surging from $2.38 per mile to $2.52. The last time truckload spot rates were this high was on Jan. 23, 2023.
Tariff-related growth in US manufacturing would increase freight needs between suppliers.
President-elect Donald J. Trump has taken a stand against port automation during contract talks between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX).
In a significant advancement for the freight brokerage industry, SONAR, the leading provider of high-frequency freight market data, has unveiled the Coverage Guide, an AI-powered offering within its new Broker Tool Kit. This cutting-edge application aims to simplify the complex decision-making process for freight brokers, enhancing efficiency and profitability.
Previously known as FreightWaves SONAR, the supply chain data platform rebrands to “SONAR,” highlighting its core focus on the supply chain data platform.
If China retaliates against tariffs on exports to the U.S. with its own tariffs, it could increase prices for Chinese consumers.
The freight industry must take a series of steps to combat an epidemic of fraud.
While imposing tariffs in the past has done damage to the U.S. economy, today’s incoming tariffs are likely to have a different outcome for a multitude of reasons.
Consumers are concerned that imposing tariffs means retailers will raise the price of goods. But retailers are likely to look for other sourcing options and new strategies.
China isn’t about to let its export market go belly-up. Instead, it will do what it always does – pump money into its industries to soften the blow of U.S. tariffs.
After the most prolonged freight recession in history, the market has been showing signs of recovery over the past few months.
COVID-19, a shift in China’s main focus, an imbalance in U.S. trade with China and more all mean reassessing how nations engage with global trade.
President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign focused heavily on tariffs against China. Now that he’s won, tariffs are getting a lot of attention. But the issue has more than economic implications. It is about national security.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind for fleets considering to haul a load for FEMA or any other disaster relief project
While the U.S. government works to ease the lack of truck parking, it will take more to solve the problem.
NOAA released its May hurricane forecast, in which it spells out a warning to shippers to prepare for significant disruptions.
Firecrown Media acquires Kalmbach Media’s Trains and Astronomy, expanding further into the transportation space now including trains and space.
C.H. Robinson is facing scrutiny from investors as it stock trades low. Can it evolve quickly enough to satisfy Wall Street?
The end to one of the worst freight markets in history may be closer than it appears.
Trucking and logistics companies are seeing a massive downturn. FreightWaves has reported on the biggest shutdowns and layoffs since 2022.
There’s no debate that the freight industry is hurting right now, but it’s not because volume is low. We have an oversupply of trucks.
Trucking bloodbath expands to lenders as industry experiences one of the sharpest downturns in history.
Convoy’s story, while tragic for investors and insiders, should prove cautionary for other founders.
Industry could see more freight brokerage closures amid a changing financial climate.
The proliferation of freight brokerages is giving truckers a lifeline.
Dozens of household names are already using this new way to book trucking capacity in a way that reflects the larger market.
Hurricanes can destroy key infrastructure for freight transportation. Emergency freight can demand thousands of truck drivers.
There’s no perpetual, industry-wide truck driver shortage. The market quickly corrects any shortage of labor.
Tender rejection data in the FreightWaves SONAR data platform shows that the freight market bottomed on May 14. Since then, conditions for carriers have slowly been improving.
Trucking companies are fleeing the market and volumes are starting to rebound. This is good for the freight industry.
Small trucking companies are taking over the industry. Decades of global and domestic policies have made this happen.
UPS’ CEO announced that drivers will be making $170,000 a year in pay and benefits by the end of a five-year employment contract. This is just the beginning for jobs in the physical economy.
A strike is looming at Yellow — and it could finally be the end for the long-troubled trucking company.
Yellow has suffered from financial mediocrity that has led to the inevitable outcome.
Some bullish commentators have suggested that strong heavy-duty truck sales means a recession isn’t looming. Further context is needed.
Load board fraud hurts the American trucking industry and should be a top priority for everyone in the space.
Trucking rates are now below 2019 levels, but operating costs are much higher. Demand for trucking is set to get even lower this year.
It has been a year since I wrote “Why I believe a freight recession is imminent.”
There are encouraging signs that demand is returning to the U.S. trucking market, based on high-frequency truckload volume data from FreightWaves SONAR.
Hay signos alentadores de que la demanda está volviendo al mercado del transporte por carretera de EE.UU., según los datos de alta frecuencia de volumen de carga de camiones de FreightWaves SONAR. Su Outbound Tender Volume Index, u OTVI, mide el volumen de solicitudes de licitación de carga en el mercado norteamericano. Los datos de […]
¿Se adelantó la calma del primer trimestre, en noviembre y diciembre de 2022? Para los transportadores, el primer trimestre es siempre el período más difícil en el calendario anual de transporte de mercancías, cuando los minoristas despejan su exceso de inventario de vacaciones, la construcción hace una pausa por el clima gélido y todo es […]
Early freight data and channel checks would suggest the freight market could be stabilizing and clearer skies are ahead.
Debate on whether we are in a freight recession has been raging since the first quarter of 2022. The conclusion is now obvious: Freight volumes have collapsed this year, dragging down spot rates with them.
It will be years before the Tesla Semi — or any electric vehicle — becomes a trucking industry standard.
El sector del transporte de mercancías se enfrenta a un final de 2022 “muy, muy feo”
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller provides insight into 2022’s peak season.
Hurricane relief trucking is filled with chaos and disruptions to normal operations and requires specialists that can handle the massive surges and lack of forward planning.
En una nota del pasado viernes 16 de septiembre, J.P. Morgan nos recordó que ya en junio advirtió de una preocupante caída del volumen de contenedores procedentes de China, basándose en los datos del Atlas de Contenedores SONAR de FreightWaves. La empresa tituló su informe del 3 de junio “Watching the China Freight Wave”, que […]
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller outlines how FreightWaves SONAR pointed to the global freight recession months ago.
El mercado del transporte de mercancías es un péndulo – y cuando se balancea, pueden ser los compradores o vendedores de capacidad los que ahora tienen el poder en las negociaciones de tarifas. Desde el verano de 2020, las empresas de transporte por carretera han tenido en gran medida todo el poder en las negociaciones […]
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller provides insight into the state of trucking contract rates.
El último desplome del mercado de camiones fue en 2019. El mercado actual podría terminar peor para las flotas de camiones pequeños. El desplome del mercado del transporte de mercancías en 2019 fue causado por dos factores: una desaceleración del transporte de mercancías debido a los aranceles sobre las importaciones chinas y una oleada de […]
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller assesses the potential for a “great purge” in trucking fleets.
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes the bullwhip effect on the current retail and trucking environments.
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes truckload contract rates and where they may be headed.
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes changes taking place in global supply chains.
La sabiduría convencional en este momento es que la mayor parte del mundo ha superado la pandemia (excepto China); por lo tanto, las cadenas de suministro volverán a la “normalidad”. Por desgracia, no es así. El mundo ha cambiado permanentemente y las cadenas de suministro van a tener que enfrentarse a continuos retos durante las […]
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller lays out the premise of Freedom Trade.
Las tarifas caen a un ritmo sin precedentes
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes the continuing decrease in truckload rates for dry van loads.
La cumbre sobre el futuro de la cadena de suministro de FreightWaves se celebra esta semana en el noroeste de Arkansas, el epicentro de las cadenas de suministro norteamericanas. Si no puede asistir, le invitamos a sintonizar nuestra transmisión en vivo gratuita que transmitirá todo el contenido desde el escenario principal. El evento comienza el […]
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes the impact of rising diesel costs on the spot market and the trucking industry.
Los precios de la gasolina aumentan casi a diario, apretando las carteras y los bolsillos de casi todos los estadounidenses con vehículo. Sin embargo, por muy mala que sea esta noticia, los precios del diésel están subiendo aún más en todo el país. Hoy los precios del diesel en las paradas de camiones han alcanzado […]
Craig Fuller explains the impact of higher diesel prices on the U.S. economy and consumers.
FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller writes about the impact of Chinese lockdowns on global supply chains and the U.S. trucking industry.
Lo que ocurre en China no se queda en China. Y para las cadenas de suministro estadounidenses, eso suele ser algo bueno. Las empresas estadounidenses se han vuelto dependientes de los productos de bajo costo procedentes de proveedores chinos. Pero en un mundo post-COVID que puede estar entrando en la Segunda Guerra Fría, la dependencia […]
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes the impact of the latest Chinese lockdowns on the supply chains between China and the U.S.
El transporte por carretera es un sector muy cíclico. ¿Cómo es posible que haya una “escasez de conductores” y un exceso de capacidad al mismo tiempo? Este es un estribillo común que escucho cuando se habla de un mercado de transporte de mercancías en desaceleración. La realidad es que la “escasez de conductores” no significa […]
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller explains the boom and bust cycle of the trucking industry.
With record inventories building and bottlenecks easing is deflation next?
Lo único sorprendente de la desaceleración del mercado de transporte es la velocidad a la que se está produciendo. El “efecto látigo” de la cadena de suministro es previsible y esperado. El aumento de los inventarios y el descenso de los costes de flete y los desequilibrios de capacidad serán deflacionarios. El mercado de los […]
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes methods to generate more revenue in a trucking downturn.
Las tarifas spot de los camiones han subido, pero también los gastos de explotación. ¿Qué significa esto para los transportistas? “La demanda está volviendo a los niveles anteriores a la pandemia”. He escuchado esta refutación a mis artículos anteriores sobre un “baño de sangre” del transporte por carretera en 2022 (aquí y aquí) durante la […]
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller analyzes the current costs of trucking.
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller provides commentary/analysis on the trucking industry’s “driver shortage.”
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller provides further analysis regarding the decline in the freight market.
La semana pasada, publiqué un artículo titulado “Apenas 3 años después del baño de sangre del transporte por carretera de 2019, otro está en camino.” Para cualquiera que haya vivido la debacle del transporte por carretera de 2019 -cuando un transportista tras otro cerró repentinamente sus puertas-, la idea de volver a experimentar eso es […]
Tras dos años de estragos inducidos por el COVID en los mercados mundiales de transporte de mercancías, la volatilidad ha empezado a remitir. La visión de FreightWaves sobre el mercado se ha aclarado, y el panorama no es bonito. Creemos que es inminente otra caída brusca y dolorosa en el mercado de carga de camiones […]
Craig Fuller analyzes the state of the U.S. truckload market.
FreightWaves Founder and CEO Craig Fuller writes about the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the U.S. freight system
Se reescribirán cadenas de suministro enteras, creando una volatilidad e imprevisibilidad masivas
If the Russia-Ukraine conflict’s international ramifications keep spreading, we face a real possibility of a bifurcating global economy. according to FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller.
FreightWaves reports very positive financial performance in 4Q 2021.
La actual crisis de la cadena de suministro está causada por una demanda sin precedentes de bienes físicos que fluyen a través de los principales puntos de estrangulamiento, combinada con una falta de mano de obra y una oferta limitada de capacidad de transporte. Aunque las turbulencias económicas mundiales debidas al COVID son un catalizador […]
FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller provides analysis regarding the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller describes the current and future opportunities in supply chain technology.